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Flyball Sport for Dogs of all Breeds

Flyball is a fun and intense sport that dogs of all breeds and mixes love. Not just for dogs who like to chase tennis balls, flyball is wonderful for dogs who enjoy running, jumping and playing tug. It's a great way to keep a dog's mind active and engaged. The class is a mix of dogs at all levels and will introduce jumping, the flyball course, foundations of a proper box turn, and handling skills. Prerequisites: Flyball is not suitable for dogs with significant aggression toward, or fear of other dogs or humans. Dogs with serious sound phobias, significantly overweight, or with certain veterinary/orthopedic issues may also be unsuitable for flyball (feel free to email the instructor to see if your dog is a good candidate, even if you are not sure).

Beginner Class

1 hour long sessions once a week.

Professional Trainer Competitors in the sport of proforming the skills to win.

Small Class Sizes minimum of 6 and maximum of 10 for a class.

Hands on Training one on one for beginners.

Competition isn’t just for the humans. Dogs can compete in a game of skill, speed and team work between both other dogs and their handlers!

Do your dogs have all the energy in the world and are always actively playing? We assume that your dog is just as playful and active as the rest and that is why we offer training classes and team setups to teach our dogs how to play flyball! Located just outside of Chicago is the perfect place for your dog to come and learn!

What is Flyball?
Flyball is a game of agility and speed that requires not only the activeness of the dog but the direction of the handler as well. The dogs run down a lane jumping over gates to the end where they retrieve a ball and sprint back to the owner. This is done in succession from 1 dog to another until and entire team of dogs has completed the course! It is a fun game for the dog, owner and all who are in attendance.

How does flyball help my dog?
Flyball is an outlet for your dog’s energy while allowing it a constructive way to grow! Dogs need to release their energy all the time and sometime this requires more then a walk or tossing the ball. Dogs by nature are competitive in the sense that they always try their best! They want to work hard and be recognized for their hard work! This teaches them the right way to act in order to get your attention. Flyball will help make your dog happier and friendlier all the time!

Taking it to the next level!
Is your dog the kind that hates to lose or always wants to keep playing flyball? Well then let your dog play on! Join a local team and compete across Chicago, Illinois and the country! It is a fun and care free environment that really allows for your dog to express itself and be active.